Infinity is a competitive game that pits two rival armies against each other in a struggle to complete a series of tactical objectives. The game has a duration of three rounds, or ends when the units of a player have been eliminated. Mission details and the different End-Game modes that determine the winner are described further below.
Once the table is set, the players start the game by deploying their miniatures and markers on the gaming table. The game is organized through a series of Game Rounds, and in each Round, each player has their own Active Turn. During their Active Turn, each player assigns Orders to the Troopers to activate and play with them, moving them about the table, attacking enemy Troopers, and accomplishing the scenario objectives. At the same time, the opponent is also playing, by reacting to the actions made by the player who has the Active Turn, thanks to Automatic Reaction Orders (ARO).
During the game, the Rounds continue until the End-Game conditions are met, which ends the game. Once the game has finished, the players check their Objective Points and their Victory Points to determine who the winner is.
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